Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our first assignment: Introduce yourself

As a member of this circle, your first assignment is to:
-introduce yourself by replying to this post as a Comment (below):
-your discipline
-your interactions with student tutors, SIs, peer mentors, etc.
-what you hope to achieve as a member of the circle
-something circle members don't know about you.

I will go first!


  1. I am Laurie Huffman from the Department of Mathematics. I have worked with SIs for four semesters and hope to do so again next semester. I hope to get ideas from my colleagues on how to create the best experiences for my students and for the SIs. You may not know that I was a biology major in college and took only one math class as an undergraduate.

  2. Hi all,
    I am Jeanne Haslam, Coordinator of the Learning Center. Since this is a newly created job - we will all be on quite a learning curve this year (especially me). I am delighted to be part of this team as we figure out the best utilization of our SI's and this program. I equally enjoy working with college students and faculty/staff and I am especially looking forward to implementing new ideas and trainings. You may not know that our family of 7 are all licensed animal rehabilitors! You just never know what creature (usually mammal or fowl) you may find at our home...

  3. Mike - I am so happy to hear you love collecting data! I will certainly enjoy your help as that time is approaching rapidly!! :)

  4. Hi all,

    I am Marcela Chiorescu from the Department of Mathematics. I haven't worked with SI's so far (I hope to do it in the future), but I've been working with ULA's (undergraduate learning assistants) in the Emporium Math Lab for three semesters. I'm happy to be part of this circle and I'm looking forward to learn the best practices for SI's. I hope that I can implement some of these for ULA's as well.
    You may not know that I'm originally from Romania and I came to USA ten years ago.

  5. Hi everyone,
    I am Catrena Lisse from the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. I have worked with SI's for over 5 years in core and major classes. I am currently working with 3 SI's and meet with them weekly. I have a very organized relationship with my SI's and hope to improve upon what I am currently doing as well as share with others what has worked best for my courses.
    I am from the Okefenokee Swamp area of south Georgia and I love dogs! I currently have 4 rescued dogs that are permanent family members now.
